Wednesday, July 11, 2007

48 hours to clear the backlog of uploads - they say

Finally a response from Streamload. Let's see what happens in the next 48 hours.

--- Email from Streamload:
11/07/2007 12:52

Thank you for your mail. I am sorry to hear of the issues you are having.

Due to the recent maintenance downtime we have been receiving higher than normal upload traffic. This has caused a backlog in processing of files onto accounts. To speed up the processing of the backlog we have brough online extra upload server. We expect to have cleared this upload backlog within 48 hours.

Please subscribe to our blog at for service information and maintenance updates.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

And this is what it says on the blog today.


We’ve corrected most of the issues that resulted from the transition. The last hurdle is to improve upload speeds. Tonight we will begin utilization of a new SAN that will push us towards that goal. There will be no downtime involved. We realize that many users are experiencing upload processing of many hours. Rest assured that your uploads are on their way. We apologize for the delays.

This coming Saturday, July 14 we will further enhance the user experience by reconfiguring our processing servers and installing a new load balancer. This will require downtime from 5AM until 8AM. Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience of the last few days but please realize that the end result will be a much improved user experience.

Thanks for your continued patience, support and business!>


Well, they say people have been waiting for uploads for many hours. My experience is I have now been waiting 7 days for my podcast upload to appear - many hours indeed. Tried uploading it again most days since then to see if it would go through the system.

It has still not appeared. None of them. And my older streams are still not working.

Let's see what happens in the next 48 hours.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess it has now been 48 hours.

I still can't download pictures or documents. My mp3s download fine, for whatever reason.

But I want my pictures!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been having problems for a bout 6 weeks but it has been getting progressively worse over the last 2 weeks
AS a Professional - $289.95/year user since Jan 2007 I have had exactly the same sort of shoddy treatment that it seems others have been having (see here; )and it is outrageous that people can be treated so badly and still charged for the priveledge, this week (July 15th) I have had at various times between 400 and 950 of my 1500 files unavailable and at the moment there are 534 broken hyperlinks that means I am unlikely to see/hear them again and 99% of them I do own the copyrite to! (nobody's perfect!)

Anonymous said...

I'm astonished by the behaviour of this company. I wrote them twice to tell them that, although the uploading process seem to go through just fine, the uploaded files never show up.

I have been assured that all the problems would have gone within 48 hours. Two weeks have gone by.

I'm from Italy and I'm kind of used to this kind of bad treatment, but I couldn't imagine it would be this bad.