Friday, October 19, 2007

Uploading problem fixed - so they say

Two entries from ther official Mediamax blog on 17 October 2007. You can't leave comments there, so leave them here:

We have resolved the upload processing issue mentioned in the previous post. The backlog has been processed and any new uploads will appear immediately. Thanks again for your patience.

And earlier:

We are currently experiencing processing issues. Uploaded files may take as long as 70 minutes to appear in user accounts. We'll post here again when the situation is resolved.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks for your patience.

So how is uploading for you now?


Anonymous said...

I can see the file faster after upload. I think the problem may really solved.

EegahInc said...

Single file upload appears to be working great. Multi file upload crapped out again on me last night.

EegahInc said...

Ooops, spoke too soon. Multi-file appears to be working for me now. Maybe the crashes happen whenever my computer goes into screensaver mode; anybody know?

Old files still unavailable though, but this gives me hope.

Martin said...

It's time to give credit when it is due to MediaMax. For the past 5 days uploading has been very smooth and trouble free for me. I was using the roundly criticised MediaMax XL to perform my uploads, a program that I have NEVER been able to get to work before, and it chugged away day and night processing my uploads one after the other with just two brief skips. It wasn't fast, averaging just 6kBytes/sec (on a 25kBytes link), but it showed a reliability that I have never seen before. I actually prefer the drip feed that MediaMax XL provides (although I would rather it was not quite so slow), because it does not saturate my outbound Internet bandwidth as the Browser uploader does, and hence does not impact on other Internet use.

I too found that the files appeared in the 'Uploaded Files' folder almost immediately with 100% completion rate.

Well done MediaMax. Please keep uploading this reliable.

Anonymous said...

Yes, uploads are -still- working well and we're doing our best to maintain MediaMax V5 until we can release a major new release (that will fix a lot of these outstanding bugs that make it so difficult to maintain).

Once we have a firm release schedule, we will post it on our blog.


Anonymous said...

For people that are not in the loop (i.o.w. did not receive an email from Steve Iverson himself) .... he is talking about MediaMax V6 (there might be another name for it ... which would make sense since the MediaMax name is ... ah tad tarnished to say the least) due to be released at the end of this year ... if all goes well.

Anonymous said...

I got the e-mail from Steve Iverson and must say his replies have been very quick and honest.Im looking foward the testing Version 6

Anonymous said...

FYI. I asked about creating a tool to help Mediamax people move to them or to allow more than one URL in their "Fetch file from the web" option and this is the reply I got. So, please email them requests to create the tool. If they see a demand, they might make one:


It's not something we've got on our roadmap, but it is a good idea, so we will make a note and see if we get other requests/demands for such a feature.


Anonymous said...

MMv6 Sounds promising.....Was any ideas of release date given in the email (ie will it be this year, which quarter next year etc)? Also, how does one get on Steve's mailing list? Would love to get involved with beta testing or something.....

In the meantime, Humyo is looking pretty good as an alternative. Would take, years, to transfer everything from MM, and on balance I prefer MM (when it's working). I'm happy to stick with MM to give their new version a chance, but Humyo is proving to be a more-than-adequate, and very competent solution - allbeit temporary.....

Anonymous said...

IcyPurplepants, late december 2007 ... provided ofcourse we don't blast it for being a V5 reincarnation.

As for the uploading fixed message ... that's not what I've been hairing and experiencing myself. Lots of broken downloads and I got that Oops message for 3 days before I was able to upload anything again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Willtriker, I suppose if it is to be "late December 2007" then they're planning to migrate over Christmas - while everyone's too drunk to notice! :-)

Finger's crossed on that one.

Anonymous said...

"Uploading problem fixed" - IF ONLY!!

No uploading problems over the past week - but since Saturday, about 90% of uploads vanish, never to appear.

The occasional file has popped up after a few hours delay, but I still see no sign of those upped on Saturday am - 2 days ago now.

Anonymous said...

icypurplepants: if you could remind me of your username I'll send out the info for v6 demos.

Martin said...

Why does MediaMax XL upload files so slowly?

Because inefficient data transmission protocols are used. A fuller analysis and suggestions how MediaMax can improve upload speeds from MediMax XL is in this Acrobat document.

Anonymous said...

Hi John,
that would be much appreciated - username is mcronin
Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,

I take it the info in that document you provided is directed at MediaMax XL (and possibly the FTP portal)? Webupload gets normal speed for me and from what I hear is that the same for most, if not all, people.

Anonymous said...

Hey Martin,

If you're interested I'd like to put you on our list of beta testers. Please leave your username if that's the case.



Martin said...

Willtricker - My testing was only done with MediaMax XL as Webupload gives good performance. I don't have access to the new FTP portal beta (yet) and will reserve comment about its reported slowness until I can determine if the reason is that it uses the same inefficient protocols as MediaMax XL.

John: That would be much appreciated. My MediaMax username is martin_e_hood.

Anonymous said...

It was rather interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.