The Mediamax website continues to advertise it as a reliable back up service. Beware.
Here are the figures (total votes 121):
A: No problems : 6 vote (4.96%)
B: Rare problems : 5 votes (4.13%)
(within tolerable levels)
C: Significant problems : 25 votes (20.66%)
(difficult to tolerate)
D: Extreme problems : 85 votes (70.25%)
(causing severe difficulties)
As a graph:

So how is the service performing in November? Polling is now open and will run for a week into December.
There is now a Mediamax users club on the Yuwie social networking site. Yuwie has the functionality of other social networking sites, but users get a cut of advertising revenue - so sharing information with other Mediamax users will pay you!
Click here to join Yuwie if you are not already a member and find the club there.
I haven't read a single comment from anyone saying they have recovered anything more than a handful of files. MM are the most hopeless, incompetent, dishonest internet business I have ever encountered. I've never received a single automated email throughout this entire mess, yet companies I barely deal with send me newsletters and updates every few days. Thank God my credit card has expired. I have no doubt they would try and access it again and renew my account against my wishes.
No surprise here about those figures. The last couple of days have been real 'fun' also. Uploaded around 4GB of stuff which seems to have fallen into a black hole and atm I have a lot of uploads breaking up on me and if they don't it's a 50-50 chance if they show up or not. I have little doubt the november verdict will be different ... at least nog from me.
The trend is pretty obvious, MediaMax is terrible. I'm in the process of recovering what files I uploaded to MediaMax and gonna dump the website.
I know if/when they release version 6, those numbers are going to get higher. The brains behind MM will pretty much dump any "bad" links in their database, so I know 90% of the files that I had uploaded before that don't work now, are NEVER going to work and the links will be gone at that time.
Checking for file validity, database consistency, and valid links should have been THE number one priority from the start of the service and NOT at Version 6!
It's a real shame that they even stopped answering support e-mails and posting REAL news on their website. News about an FTP Gateway means nothing when the foundation or core services of uploading and downloading are practically, no, are FULLY non-functional.
was uploading quite nice about a week ago, had some time off and now i see also broken uploads after 40% or so.
Will probably try small uploads first.
I tried the ftp upload 10 days ago and encountered serious problems in uploading, no file got bigger then
256kb. Support has unfortunately not
answered my email so far.
Are they even working on file recovery any longer?
The pattern I had noticed from the files that became non-functional after this past July was that I had uploaded them in Oct-November 2005.
Anyone else notice this? The majority of them still don't work, either!
So much for the oft-repeated "your files are safe and secure". *insert major eyeball-rolling here*
Everything is uploading and showing up fine for me.I have no complaints
at least nog from me. Let's leave the nog for the Christmas poll
No the recovery process is finished as far as i know, see also many posts on this blog
Are there people around with experiences of uploading thru ftp?
Are there no people on here who know anyone who works in the legal profession?
Surley someone must have an idea as to how users stand regarding taking action against Mediamax?
They have helped themselves to everyones creidt cards month after month and have not provided a servive for over a year now.
In my book that is thieft - plain and simple!
My experince with the FTP gateway hasn't been good. Of the 2gigs I tried to upload, I saw only 350megs of it appear.
Katie brings up a good point. Most of the files that are dated before 2005 and prior are the most problematic. I'm starting to think that the conversion from Streamload to MediaMax was a COMPLETE failure, not just an accidental erasure of specific amounts of data. Of the 4gigs I tried to retrieve from 2004, only 22megs of it actually downloaded. So, might as well start bracing yourself for a next to empty File Manager in MediaMax
I figured just for the hell of it, I'd email Mediamax's support to ask about my thousands of missing files. I actually got a response, albeit filled with grammatical and spelling mistakes.
I think he's trying to say my files are gone.
Thanks for writing. We're sorry you've experienced difficulties download this content. We've instituted a recent recovery operation which has recovered the vast majority of files that became missing due to our data center migration in June. Outside of these, I'm afraid it may be better to assume that any remaining content which is not available to you is corrupted and therefore unrecoverable. They may become recoverable at some poiint, but for now it may be more prudent to assume the data is lost.
In order to restore access to the missing data, please reupload the data or have the original owner of the content upload the data. Re-emailing the same corrupt links will not work. While we recognise that this may be a frustrating situation, please note that the service is provided on an "as-is" basis. With that said, recent improvements and enhancements to our service has made unavailability issues such as these do not recur.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further queries.
Sincere regards,
MediaMax Support
Yes, I read the blog, JD. No one had said that the recovery process was completed.
Thanks for posting the customer service letter. Not to insult anyone's ethnicity, but I would assume from the non-American spelling and minor grammatical errors that they have outsourced their customer service to India!!
'The service is provided on an as-is basis'...What the heck is THAT supposed to mean? That screw-ups are built into Mediamax's system and we are supposed to accept that? Hahahahaha!
'Your files are safe and secure'. Yeah, right. I suppose that mantra is no longer being thrown about, as we know personally that our files are NOT safe and secure.
Why can't this company hire some good people?? I point to Photobucket as an online media provider who knows how to provide good service and customer support!!! They could teach sad-sack Mediamax a lesson (or three).
Yeah, I can't even begin to describe how disgusted I was when I read that email.
As-is basis? You have GOT to be kidding me.
I received a shorter version...
Dear Julien,
Thank you for your email. I am sorry to hear of the issues. The file restoration process is complete. We've managed to get back well over 80% of all files system wide. I'm afraid you will need to reupload them.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best regards,
MediaMax Support
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