Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Processing Delays revisited

The last entry on the MediaMax blog dates from march 6, but that problem was solved even though their blog hasn't been updated to reflect that. However, since the last 2 days it has reared it's ugly head again. For the last 2 days hardly any uploads will show up in your account and for the very few uploads that do there isn't any pattern noticeable. Don't bother re-uploading the file either as experience has shown it will not improve your chance of seeing it popup in your account so we can only sit tight, wait, and hope MediaMax figures out where our uploads go and can fix it without having us to re-upload all files that haven't shown up so far.

We're also, again, at countdown for V6 beta testing which should start the 15th if memory serves ... if it's not postponed again that is.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to have your blog. I have been banging my head against the wall for months trying to deal with Media Max. My uploads usually vanish and they may reappear at random times. The last time I contacted support about a file not appears, they said they were currently experiencing technical difficulties. It seem like such a generic response to any criticism.

Thank you!

John-O said...

The only thing that keeps me with Mediamax is the thought of transferring my files, and the fact that I haven't found another service that offers straightforward storage and hosting for this price. BUT it just hasn't worked with any reliablity since the upgrade from Streamload. I've now been waiting A FULL DAY for my uploads to appear. This is totally unacceptable. For months, tech support didn't respond to any of my mails (they now seem to have rectified this.) We need a reliabe service....! Streamload provided that, why can't Mediamax?!?

WillTRiker said...

I just checked my account and I noticed that uploads I just did start to appear as well as some of my older, but still not all of them by a long shot.

On the flip side though the upload speed seems just to have taken a massive hit as I went down from 130Kb to 5Kb while an hour ago things were still fine.

John-O said...

It says on the main blog: 'multi-hour' delays in processing. That should be amended to 'multi-day'. I'm still waiting!

Anonymous said...

My upload from Sunday night just appeared. However, I am still missing many files from my folders. What's up with that? And, why don't they announce the delays on the site itself!!?? Very frustrating!

Anonymous said...

My upload from Sunday night just appeared. However, I am still missing many files from my folders. What's up with that? And, why don't they announce the delays on the site itself!!?? Very frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Hmm you remembered the 15th, I really hope in despair (is this correct English?) that testing will start now indeed so we might finally see some progress. John Hood has announced a couple of times delays but there initial release was second half of december expected so 3 months delay is huge and by now the product must be finished finally I hope. Can't wait to start with v6.

Anonymous said...

we resolved the issue, which has lasted several days, a few hours ago. we are quickly catching up on upload processing and should be fully caught up in approximately three hours.
upload speed is now completely back to normal.

Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned there hasn't been 'normal' since the disastrous streamload update. I rarely use my account now because of loss of confidence, but every time I do, there is a problem. On top of that the interface is so spectacularly ugly, with those seventies children's television style round-edge borders and idiotic front page cartoons. Add to this the almost entirely unusable mediamax app that has been in beta for two years and you have one big fantastic mess. Streamload worked fine. Why did you try to 'fix' it!!?????

Unknown said...

Anonymous, I couldn't agree with you more.
Streamload worked fine. I also loved the feature where you could really see what was going on with your account...which hosted files were being downloaded, when, and by whom. Mediamax has no account info at all! Ridiculous.

If the same group of idiotic engineers responsible for the Mediamax upgrade mess is now going to be in charge of the Mediamax to v6 upgrade, then heaven help us all.
*kisses files goodbye*

Anonymous said...

hey katie,

it's a completely different set of engineers as i think i've mentioned before. so no worries there! it's also a much larger engineering team than the one that built v5.
account info will return.


yeah, we now call that the "Fisher-Price" UI. Not to worry, it's toast. The new UI is sleek and easy to use.
We tried to make MediaMax(v5) easier to use than v4. We obviously failed at that. We tried to add too many features that no one wanted or asked for and didn't do enough usability testing.
We're back to the basics and have about a dozen people who are users of this very blog currently alpha testing v6. So, we've made some mistakes, but we've learned from them. I'm confident you'll like v6 and that it will be everything we've promised and then some.