Monday, December 17, 2007

75% of users who voted had significant or extreme problems - things are improving!

Things have been going a bit quieter here recently.

The poll on how you found the service in November 2007 received only 48 votes.

The breakdown was:

A: No problems : 5 votes (10.4%)

B: Rare problems : 7 votes (14.6%)
(within tolerable levels)

C: Significant problems : 12 votes (25.0%)
(difficult to tolerate)

D: Extreme problems : 24 votes (50.0%)
(causing severe difficulties)

So how is the service performing in December? Polling is now open and will run for a week into January.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

OFFICIAL BLOG: Network outage

This is on the official Mediamax blog dated 4 December. See:

---quote begins
Network outage

UPDATE: This problem has been corrected and everything should fully functional.

We are experiencing some network connectivity problems which may result in the inability to get to the MediaMax website. This should be resolved shortly and we apologize for any inconvenience.

As always, we will update this post with updates on this issue.

You can't leave comments there, so leave them here.